Friday, July 31, 2009

Stubborn Child

Today was a day for lessons to be learned. I made a few mistakes today and my lovely husband was right to correct me in my wrong ways. Then I got mad with him. The reason why? I just don't like being corrected. When I'm wrong I don't like people pointing it out. Sad, I know. But that's what happens to many people. They think that they are supposed to be right all the time, but that's not the way that it works. God even spoke to me today and said don't get involved in this situation that was happening at work, to stay out of it. Sometimes I just wish that I would listen to my instincts more. I can be very stubborn and hard headed. How many of us out there can admit to that???

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Transformed Mind

It's an amazing thing when you look at the world through new eyes. Something that you've looked at so many times before all of a sudden becomes different. Today I am extremely grateful for all that God has done in my husband and myself. Before to look at us you never would have known that we were serving God. Our actions did not speak Christ. It was more of the world in us than anything. We had gotten away from Jesus and all He had done for us. We started paying way too much attention to the things in the world than to what God was saying. I myself knew what was right to do but I used my husband as a crutch. Since he wasn't going to church, I couldn't possibly go by myself. All those unfamiliar people. Someone might look at me wrong.
It's funny now to think of how crazy my thought patterns were. But it wasn't funny at all at the time. I really thought I was right in my thinking. But how many of us know that our thinking can be wrong more times than not. In Isaiah 55:8 it says, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways," declares the Lord (NASB). The way we think is in no way how God thinks about us and for that matter how other people think about us as well. I remember when I thought God could not possibly want to have anything to do with me because I wasn't doing all I needed to do for Him. But then I had to remember His word Deut.31:6, "for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you".(NIV) It's comforting to know that no matter how far off track I've gotten, He is still there. Renewing your thought patterns with daily bible reading helps to transform your mind. It helps you to see things that were right there all along. It helps you see things you've seen before in a new light.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Something New

Hi everyone! My name is Kish. I'm a 29yr old christian chick. I will be married for 10yrs this August to my lovely husband. I love reading as well as writing. Most of all I love the Lord Jesus Christ. This is my first blog and I am totally excited. I never thought that I would see the day when I put my thoughts in writing for the whole world to read. You know when you start something new how you get the "butterflies". Well that's how I feel right now as I type. This blog is about everyday life with an everyday christian (me) and you. We all have ordinary lives. And with God we have extraordinary lives. Because each day in God, there's always lessons to be learned, new mercies given and lives touched (our own or someone else). Hopefully this blog will help you grow just a little more in God and help me to reach others. My husband said he is very proud of me and I'm glad I listened. Until next time....