Trying to figure out things can be hard but having other people figure things out for you can be worse. Everyone wants to give you their take on what you should do with your life. How many people are willing to walk in another's shoes for a day, a few hours? Not many. But everyone seems to feel that they can have a say in someone else's life and not vice versa. The one thing that people fail to realize is that in order to help another in their life, the person must first help themselves. So many times you see people who have so many issues going on in their lives trying to tell someone else how to get out of their mess and they are still in theirs. In Matthew 7:3-5, it talks about judging others. We can't take the speck out of our brothers eye until we remove the log out of our own. In other words, we can't critique someone else's issues and problems until we deal with our own first.