Thursday, January 5, 2012

What's in your heart?

Today while I was at work, an opportunity to see inside the hearts of people arose. A person's family was dealing with pain and suffering that most of us would not want to ever happen to us or anyone we truly loved. The person was distraught because they felt like what they were requesting for their dying love one was being denied. They became angry and almost to the point of being hostile. When I relayed this information to the person who was in charge they became even more angry than the person I spoke to. We all go through rough patches in our lives. Not everything is going to work out as we planned. People aren't going to be as friendly as we hope they would be. And when things happen for the worse our true colors come out. Since we hear all the time that God is in control of everything, do we really believe that when the going gets tough. Our reactions reveal our true nature. How many of us can say that we stay calm under pressure? Or that we rely on God for our deliverance in bad situations and circumstances? The lesson I learned today is that we have no control of our circumstances but we do have control over how we react to them. Let your reactions show that Christ lives within your heart. 

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