Each day that we open our eyes, God has given us new grace and mercy. Yesterday and it's troubles are a thing of the past. We can't change one single thing about what happened yesterday. But how many of us try to undo what we've done?? Take back a word or thought or deed that wasn't pleasing for God or befitting for us as a christian. We can't. Or how many of us try to figure out what we need to do in the upcoming days? We aren't promised tomorrow or the next few minutes for that matter. In Matthew 6:25-34, it talks about not worrying. How many hours or days have you added to your life by worrying?? How many bills got paid because you fretted??? How many clothes filled your closet because of your anxiety? Yet God knows all that we need and things we haven't begun to seek Him for. Our future is in God's hands. He knows what's best for us even when we think we know. The only thing that we can do is stand in today. To be strong for today. To trust God with the rest of the days we have left. Live for today because tomorrow isn't promised.
Thanks for such a inspirational message we should stop trying to figure out what Gods plans are for our lives and have more Fiath and Trust in Him. He and only Him knows the plans that He has for our future. Glory be to our Lord Jesus Christ!!!!!!!